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Circle City Success

May 8, 2024

Steven Emch is the President of Orr Fellowship


Listen to CCS episode ​185 where you'll hear Steve tell us about…

● The value of attitude on life, career, and people and the perspective of having a gratitude mindset

 ● Why raising your hand when no one else wants to will differentiate you from peers, set you up for long term career and life success, and leaders will take a bet on you

● How Orr Fellowship is like a career accelerator connecting people to resources, organizations around Indy and is on a mission to create the premier post-undergraduate experience in the nation. 


As always, don't forget to check out our partners and sponsors: St. Elmo Steakhouse, IU Indianapolis Athletics, Java House, This is North Indy, Migration Wealth Management, AP Engineering and Consulting, D&E Printing Company, and our recording venue The Hangar Indy.

CCS Podcast Partners:

● IU Indianapolis Athletics:

● St Elmo Steakhouse:

● The Hangar:
● This is North Indy:

● D&E Printing:
● Java House:
● Migration Wealth Management:
● AP Engineering and Consulting:

Connect with CCS hosts:

● Connect with Jason:
● Connect with Drew:
● Connect with Matt Hadley:
● Connect with Matt Carroll: