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Circle City Success

Jan 10, 2024

Courtney Zaugg is the Founder and CEO of Plaka + Associates, Founder of VentureVets and the Co-Founder of Zinc Contractors

Listen to CCS episode ​179 where you'll hear Courtney tell us about…

● How leaving Indiana and everything she knew to study abroad in Greece was the best life decision and a transformational experience 

 ● Her philosophy on mentorship and why and how to find the best mentor to make a lasting impact on career and personal life

● Why she is passionate about helping communities support entrepreneurs and innovation led companies to create an impactful ecosystem


As always, don't forget to check out our partners and sponsors: IUPUI Jags, Java House, Migration Wealth Management, AP Engineering and Consulting, This is North Indy, Synergize, and our recording venue the Columbia Club.

CCS Podcast Partners:

● IUPUI Jags:

● Columbia Club:
● This is North Indy:

● Synergize:
● Java House:
● Migration Wealth Management:
● AP Engineering and Consulting:

Connect with CCS hosts:

● Connect with Jason:
● Connect with Drew:
● Connect with Matt Hadley:
● Connect with Matt Carroll: