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Circle City Success

Oct 13, 2023

Fred Yeakey Sr. is the Principal and Founder of 2 Thirty-Eight Properties and the Chief Partnership Officer for Providence Cristo Rey High School

Listen to CCS episode ​174 where you'll hear Fred tell us about…

● How he found a passion to become a key note speaker which led him to many speaking engagements including speaking at his alma mater Kentucky State University Founder's Day Homecoming

● How cutting hair created a positive infuence in the community and helped launch his mission and movement across the country

● Why he decided to pursue life changes or career moves with no experience and how he conquered and mastered each of those opportunities

As always, don't forget to check out our partners and sponsors: IUPUI Jags, Java House, Migration Wealth Management, AP Engineering and Consulting, This is North Indy, Synergize, and our recording venue the Columbia Club.

CCS Podcast Partners:

● IUPUI Jags:

● Columbia Club:
● This is North Indy:
● Synergize:
● Java House:
● Migration Wealth Management:
● AP Engineering and Consulting:

Connect with CCS hosts:

● Connect with Jason:
● Connect with Drew:
● Connect with Matt Hadley:
● Connect with Matt Carroll: