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Circle City Success

Sep 29, 2023

Kathryn Haigh is the President and CEO of The Eiteljorg Museum of American Indians and Western Art

Listen to CCS episode ​173 where you'll hear Kathryn tell us about…

● How she assembled a team that rigged a sculpture off the top of a mountain for an exhibit

● How her parents always made sure her and her sisters had access to art while growing up and this led to her volunteering at the local Cincinnati Art Museum while in school

● Why she wanted to be a CEO early in her career, how she found that motivation, and why she suggests considering every opportunity you are tapped for whether you take it or not

As always, don't forget to check out our partners and sponsors: IUPUI Jags, Java House, Migration Wealth Management, AP Engineering and Consulting, North Indy Magazine, Synergize, and our recording venue the Columbia Club.

CCS Podcast Partners:

● IUPUI Jags:

● Columbia Club:
● North Indy Magazine:
● Synergize:
● Java House:
● Migration Wealth Management:
● AP Engineering and Consulting:

Connect with CCS hosts:
● Connect with Jason:
● Connect with Drew:
● Connect with Matt Hadley:
● Connect with Matt Carroll: