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Circle City Success

Aug 18, 2023

Ryan Walters is the Head Football Coach for the Purdue Boilermakers 

Listen to CCS episode ​169 where you'll hear Ryan tell us about…

● How a lunch meeting with a mentor helped guide his post graduation career

● How growing up as a child around his father's football career and seeing the value of servant leadership has defined his own brand and coaching style

● How navigating a career involves learning every aspect of each role within an organization, paying dues, doing a really good job, working hard, going with your gut, and when opportunities present themselves you have to be ready

As always, don't forget to check out our partners and sponsors: Java House, IUPUI Jags, Migration Wealth Management, AP Engineering and Consulting, North Indy Magazine, Synergize, and our recording venue the Columbia Club.


CCS Podcast Parnters

● IUPUI Athletics:

● Columbia Club:
● North Indy Magazine:
● Synergize:
● Java House:
● Migration Wealth Management:
● AP Engineering and Consulting:

Connect with CCS hosts:
● Connect with Jason:
● Connect with Drew:
● Connect with Matt Hadley:
● Connect with Matt Carroll: